ZigBee trækkraft fra Control4

David Bell |

Denne nyhed fra Control4 i dag er et rigtig godt tegn på ZigBee at det går godt. Meget af det nye ZigBee Home Automation-profil stammer fra Control4's engagement i teknologien siden 2005. De har også to af de første HA-certificerede produkter, som blev annonceret i sidste uge.

About the Author

David Bell is the founder of Vesternet. As a contributing author on popular smart home topics including Z-Wave & Zigbee, he’s been cited in a multitude of popular websites, forums & articles over the past 10 years and continues to publish regularly on Vesternet.

With over 25 years in business, and 15 years in home automation, he also heads up all of Vesternet’s commercial initiatives throughout various online channels as an expert in sales, marketing & growth strategies.
